Kits van Waveren, E. - Articoli sul genere Psathyrella

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Iscritto il: 30 lug 2007, 22:52
Nome: Andrea
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Kits van Waveren, E. - Articoli sul genere Psathyrella

Messaggio da mefi » 14 mag 2017, 03:21

1971. Notes on the genus Psathyrella - 1. Psathyrella gracilis and Psathyrella microrhiza. Persoonia. 6(2):249-280
Descriptions of Psathyrella gracilis and P. microrrhiza are given. In the former the following forms are recognized: f. gracilis, f. corrugis, f. clavigera, f. albolimbata, and f. substerilis. The variability of both species is stressed and a new character is described that may help to distinguish between the two. Forms, indicating that intermediates between the two species exist, are discussed.

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Messaggi: 16713
Iscritto il: 30 lug 2007, 22:52
Nome: Andrea
Comune: Laives
regione: Trentino-Alto Adige
nazione: Südtirol

Re: Kits van Waveren, E. - Articoli sul genere Psathyrella

Messaggio da mefi » 14 mag 2017, 03:24

1971. Notes on the genus Psathyrella - II. Three new species of Psathyrella. Persoonia. 6(3):295-312
Description of three new and very striking species of Psathyrella: P. amstelodamensis (thick-walled muricate cystidia, abundant veil, phaseoliform spores, spore-print dark reddish-brown), P. narcoticus (stem conspicuously rooting, strong smell of scatol, cheilocystidia covered with abundant mucoid deposits, staining bluish-green in NH4OH), P. pervelata (very thick and scaly universal veil, subcapitate to subutriform cystidia, flesh of cap hardly and trama of gills not pigmented).

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Messaggi: 16713
Iscritto il: 30 lug 2007, 22:52
Nome: Andrea
Comune: Laives
regione: Trentino-Alto Adige
nazione: Südtirol

Re: Kits van Waveren, E. - Articoli sul genere Psathyrella

Messaggio da mefi » 14 mag 2017, 03:27

1972. Notes on the genus Psathyrella - III. Unorthodox approach and key to section Atomatae. Persoonia. 7(1):23-54
The species of the genus Psathyrella listed by Romagnesi (1953: 355) in the groups of Atomatae and Pronae are brought into one section, section Atomatae. This section is divided into a coprophilous and a non-coprophilous group. Fifty-four collections of species, belonging to this section were examined, including type material of Drosophila picta Romagn., D. orbitarum Romagn., and D. albidula Romagn.; herbarium material of Psathyrella atomata (Fr.) Quél, and Drosophila infida Quél., received from Prof. H. Romagnesi; type material of Psathyrella coprophila Watling, P. fimetaria Watling, and P. vinosofulva Orton. A new species, P. Romagnesii Kits van Wav. and a new variety, P. prona var. utriformis Kits van Wav. are described and it is argued that the latter name is to replace the name P. vinosofulva. It is argued that Agaricus atomatus Fr. is a nomen dubium, while D. albidula, and D. picta are to be regarded as mere forms of P. prona, that D. orbitarum is a mere colour variant of P. prona, and that D. infida is identical with P. prona. Psathyrella prona f. cana Kits van Wav. is proposed for what hitherto has always been known as P. atomata (sensu Bresadola and Lange). It is also argued that P. coprophila and P. fimetaria are conspecific. A key to the species of this section is given.

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Messaggi: 16713
Iscritto il: 30 lug 2007, 22:52
Nome: Andrea
Comune: Laives
regione: Trentino-Alto Adige
nazione: Südtirol

Re: Kits van Waveren, E. - Articoli sul genere Psathyrella

Messaggio da mefi » 14 mag 2017, 03:30

1975. Notes on the genus Psathyrella - IV. Description of and key to the European species of section Psathyrella. Persoonia. 8(4):345-405
The species of the genus Psathyrella, listed by Kühner & Romagnesi (1953: 357) in the groups Graciles and Microrrhizae, but excluding P. ammophila, are described and brought into one section, Psathyrella section Psathyrella emend. Kits van Wav. Four new species, belonging to this section are described, P. connata, P. melanophylloides, P. ridicula, and P. melanophylla [= Drosophila caudata sensu Kühn. & Romagn.]. Drosophila stellata var. orbicularis Romagn. is raised to specific level. Type material of D. ochracea Romagn., D. opaca Romagn., D. stellata Romagn., D. stellata var. orbicularis Romagn., and Psathyrella longicauda P. Karst. has been examined. It is argued that when it comes to a choice between spore size and shape of basidia on the one hand, and the degree of development of the veil on the other hand as leading characters in subdividing the genus Psathyrella into subgenera, spore size and shape of basidia are to be preferred because this directly leads to establishing the subgenus Psathyrella as a very natural group. The degree of development of the veil as key character leads to an undesirable spreading of closely related species over several subdivisions.

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Messaggi: 16713
Iscritto il: 30 lug 2007, 22:52
Nome: Andrea
Comune: Laives
regione: Trentino-Alto Adige
nazione: Südtirol

Re: Kits van Waveren, E. - Articoli sul genere Psathyrella

Messaggio da mefi » 14 mag 2017, 03:33

1977. Notes on the genus Psathyrella - V. The sections Ammophilae, Bipellis and Subatratae. Persoonia. 9(2):199-233
The treatment of subgenus Psathyrella is rounded off with descriptions of and observations on Psathyrella ammophila, P. bipellis and P. conopilus, each the type species and sole representative in Europe of respectively section Ammophilae sect. nov., section Bipellis and section Subatratae.

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Messaggi: 16713
Iscritto il: 30 lug 2007, 22:52
Nome: Andrea
Comune: Laives
regione: Trentino-Alto Adige
nazione: Südtirol

Re: Kits van Waveren, E. - Articoli sul genere Psathyrella

Messaggio da mefi » 14 mag 2017, 03:35

1977. Notes on the genus Psathyrella - VI. Four controversial species of Psathyrella: P. fibrillosa, P. frustulenta, P. clivensis, and P. obtusata. Persoonia. 9(3):281-304
Examination of four collections of Psathyrella frustulenta sensu A. H. Smith and four of P. frustulenta sensu Romagn. revealed that the former species is distinguished from the latter by its strongly developed veil and habitat (woods) and that there are considerable microscopic differences between the two (spore size, number and shape of pleurocystidia, pattern of cellular lining of gill edge). The former species is to be regarded as conspecific with Agaricus frustulentus Fries, the latter as conspecific with P. clivensis (Berk. & Br.) P. D. Orton. It is argued that the name P. fibrillosa was misapplied by J. E. Lange and A. H. Smith to a species for which the name P. friesii is introduced. Descriptions of P. friesii, P. frustulenta, P. clivensis, and P. obtusata are given.

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Messaggi: 16713
Iscritto il: 30 lug 2007, 22:52
Nome: Andrea
Comune: Laives
regione: Trentino-Alto Adige
nazione: Südtirol

Re: Kits van Waveren, E. - Articoli sul genere Psathyrella

Messaggio da mefi » 14 mag 2017, 03:38

1981. Notes on the genus Psathyrella - VII. Psathyrella longicauda versus Psathyrella atrolaminata (= P. melanophylla pr. p. maj., excl. type). Persoonia. 11:359-368
The name Psathyrella melanophylla proposed in our previous paper (1976: 370) to replace the misapplied name P. caudata, is in its turn replaced by the name atrolaminata as a result of the discovery that in our previous paper a collection belonging to P. longicauda had erroneously been selected as the type of P. melanophyllum, which renders the latter name a synonym of P. longicauda. It is argued that Ricken’s plate 68 fig. 1 (1913) does not represent P. atrolaminata as erroneously stated by Kühner & Romagnesi (1953: 359) and us (1976: 370) but P. longicauda. A redescription of both species is given.

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Messaggi: 16713
Iscritto il: 30 lug 2007, 22:52
Nome: Andrea
Comune: Laives
regione: Trentino-Alto Adige
nazione: Südtirol

Re: Kits van Waveren, E. - Articoli sul genere Psathyrella

Messaggio da mefi » 14 mag 2017, 03:40

1982. Notes on the genus Psathyrella - VIII. Description of and key to the European species of section Hydrophilae. Persoonia. 11(4):473-508
A description of and key to twelve species of Psathyrella section Hydrophilea (Romagn.) ex Sing. emend. Kits van Wav. is given. These species are: P. hydrophila, P. hydrophiloides (spec. nov., = Drosophila pilulaeformis ss. Kühn. & Romagn.), P. laevissima, P. subpapillata (comb. nov.), P. fragrans (an American species found in the Netherlands), P. mucrocystis (= Drosophila chondrodermoides Romagn.), P. frustulenta, P. obtusata with var. utriformis (var. nov.), P. chondroderma, P. pseudocasca (comb. nov.) P. umbrina (spec. nov.), and P. rannochii (spec. nov.). Most of these species are exceedingly rare and some have not yet been recorded from the Netherlands. Type material of P. mucrocystis and Drosophila chondrodermoides has been examined as well as material of P. subpapillata and P. pseudocasca from the Romagnesi herbarium. Of P. frustulenta and P. obtusata only brief descriptions are given as full descriptions have recently been published. The name P. cortinarioides P. D. Orton is considered a synonym of P. frustulenta.

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Messaggi: 16713
Iscritto il: 30 lug 2007, 22:52
Nome: Andrea
Comune: Laives
regione: Trentino-Alto Adige
nazione: Südtirol

Re: Kits van Waveren, E. - Articoli sul genere Psathyrella

Messaggio da mefi » 14 mag 2017, 03:42

1985. The Dutch, French and British species of Psathyrella. Persoonia. Suppl. 2:1-300
The sole object of the present work is to furnish a monograph dealing exclusively with the species of the genus Psathyrella (exclusive of Lacrymaria, see Chapter VI) reported from the Netherlands, France and the British Isles. Ever since 1958 we intensively collected, described, depicted and stored in our herbarium these species from many parts of the Netherlands and later studied the exsiccata microscopically.
From 1960 on we did the same practically every year for some three weeks in many parts of the British Isles, often during the annual forays of the British Mycological Society, and particularly in Wales and Scotland. Moreover through the valuable aid from Dr. D. A. Reid, Dr. D. N. Pegler and Dr. R. Watling and the information supplied by the ‘New Check List of British Agarics and Boleti’ (Dennis, Orton & Hora, 1960) we became very well acquainted with the British species of Psathyrella. Mr. H. Romagnesi’s vast knowledge of and experience with the French species of Psathyrella and the great co-operation between him and us resulted in our becoming extensively informed about the French species of the genus. Our frequent exchanges of information and exsiccata even led to Romagnesi’s discovery of a new species (P. phegophila Romagn.) in his own herbarium, which he very kindly publishes in the present work. The results of our observations on Psathyrella in the three countries of course were compared with those published by A. H. Smith in his monograph on the North American species, hitherto the only monograph of this genus.

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Messaggi: 16713
Iscritto il: 30 lug 2007, 22:52
Nome: Andrea
Comune: Laives
regione: Trentino-Alto Adige
nazione: Südtirol

Re: Kits van Waveren, E. - Articoli sul genere Psathyrella

Messaggio da mefi » 14 mag 2017, 03:45

1986. Psathyrella subumbrina. A new species of Psathyrella section Hydrophilae from Sweden. Persoonia. 13(1):129-131
On 22 October 1983 one of us (L.O.) found at Kjugekull in the parish of Kiaby, some 15 km from Kristianstad (Sweden), three carpophores (young and mature stages) of a characteristic species of Psathyrella, which, because of its overall brown colours and small spores (6.5—7 x 4.5—5 μm) belongs to section Hydrophilae (Kits van Waveren, 1985. 172). As we were unable to find a description of this taxon in the literature it was decided to describe it as a new species.
